Most people have heard of the Bucket List, a list of things you want to have achieved before you die. Well there's mine on the right side of the screen. I thought this blog would be a fun way to document each item as I accomplish it, and hear others opinion's on my Bucket List items. If anyone ever finds my little blog, feel free to leave comments, I'd love to hear from you. It would amaze me to have people decided to follow it!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

45. See the Mona Lisa

Everyone has heard of the Mona Lisa, one of Leonardo Da Vinci's most famous master pieces.  I wondered what made this painting so special, so I put seeing the unique painting on my bucket list.

I went to visit the lovely lady this spring when I went to her home in France.  The painting is kept in an art museum called the Louvre.  The Mona Lisa is accompanied in this museum by hundreds of other paintings and sculptures, most of them containing naked people and are boring and infamous.  I ventured to the crowded room Mona Lisa was kept in, made my way to the barrier a couple meters in front of the painting and took this photo.  I have no intention of returning to the Louvre, but I'm glad to say I have seen the famous Mona Lisa.


  1. Did it surprise you that it was actually pretty small in person? I saw it this year and thought it'd be bigger!

    1. I would definitely agree, I was expecting it to be significantly larger. I also expected the Eiffel Tower to be taller and I thought it would be gold or black, it surprised me that it was painted brown.
